Since the inception of iTunes you have the choice of a favorite song or complete album. Of course there's the occaional "album only" purchase which in other words the album probably sucks and they're counting on you to pay 9.99 for a sucky album but that's a whole another blog....but for now..I'm an Album lover for many reasons. I come from the Album (yes old) generation. One, the artwork of the album. I used to spend the first hour reading the liner notes or examining the front cover. Two, I'm a huge deep cut fan. The songs that are deep into the album that get no airplay at in other words i don't have to worry about getting burned out the the single that the record company wants you to listen to. Plus when I scroll through my ipod, I will listen to albums...not songs. If i wanted to do that, I would just listen to the radio or internet radio. I love listening to albums front to back...even the sucky ones. I also like completing order to do that I must have the entire album. I listen to music at least 8 hours a day..whether it's in the car, at work (which let's me do so) or in my studio at home. So i do have the time to listen to whole albums rather than singles. By just buying singles, you're cheating yourself out of the really good stuff.