Sunday, December 7, 2008

My (new) 3 Rants: Rant #3 - On the cover of the Rolling Stone

Call me a traditionalist. I'm not against change...infact I like new stuff...but when it comes to the cover of the Rolling Stone...not just the cover but the whole magazine has changed to the more traditional size magazine. "It's handy, It's convienent"...blah blah blah..I don't care what their Publisher says it's really about them saving printing cost in the economical times. But sorry I prefer the old was different than the other music or any other magazines. The size stood out on the newsstand so it was easy to find. Plus there's the tradition. Not to mention the font size seems smaller and of course the older I get the harder to read...but mostly I'm a collector of the magazine and like to hang my favorite covers which used to be much the photo spreads were much larger.

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