Saturday, September 18, 2010

I recently picked up Rolling Stone's THE BEATLES 100 GREATEST SONGS. I can't disagree with the top 10, however some of my personal favorites didn't crack the top 20. Although you will notice my list will be heavy John Lennon songs (favorite Beatle). Coming in at #1 for Rolling Stone was A Day In A LIfe. I would have it in my personal top 20. But Hey Jude and Let It Be...come on!...Let it be is horrible. I only have one Paul song coming in at 7.

Rolling Stone
1. A Day In A LIfe
2. I Want To Hold Your Hand
3. Strawberry Fields Forever
4. Yesterday
5. In My Life
6. Something
7. Hey Jude
8. Come Together
9. While My Guitar Gently Weeps

My List (RS)
1. Tomorrow Never Knows (18)
2. I Am The Walrus (33)
3. Nowhere Man (66)
4. Strawberry Fields Forever (3)
5. Ticket to Ride (17)
6. You're Going to Lose That Girl (27)
7. Eleanor Rigby (22)
8. Help! (15)
9. In My Life (5)
10 Across the Universe (84)

Tomorrow Never Knows, the last track on Revolver began the turn in their music. The song Lennon found his first true relief from the real world and the bands celebrity. It was the change from the Beatlemania Beatles into what I consider "real musicians/songwriters" Beatles. Before they were a pop band kicking out number one hits on the top 40 list. Rubber Soul started a small change in music and continued to Revolver.

1 comment:

kell said...

not even a big beatles listener, however you have more songs on your list that i like than RS. intrigued now. must see rest of list.

(good to see RTP updated too btw)